Our Services
We offer a range of services that help improve energy reliability, efficiency, and sustainability

Consultancy Services
Millwater Limited works with its clients to understand their energy goals, operational requirements and risk tolerance to assist in the development and implementation of comprehensive power management solutions. We provide energy consulting and advisory services to commercial and industrial consumers of energy as well as energy providers and other organizations involved in the energy industry. Helping organizations to improve their performance.

Operations and Maintenance Services
The proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of energy infrastructure is critical to keeping building energy systems working at peak performance throughout the life of the assets. This results in significant energy savings and extension of the equipment’s lifetime. A skilled O&M provider will prolong the infrastructure’s lifecycle, while maintaining reliability, achieving energy efficiencies, and extracting the optimal economic and environmental performance of the assets.

Power Infrastructure Development
Regular, adequate, and affordable power supply, which are key indicators of improvements in economic welfare and by extension economic growth, are lacking in Nigeria’s energy space hence the country faces a lot of developmental challenges including industrialization and the risk of losing existing and potential investors.
Generation to Distribution Architecture
Electric power production of 3600MW with lower transmission and distribution capacities is grossly inadequate to meet the current power demand of well over 10,000MW in Nigeria. There is therefore need for emphasis on the infrastructure deficits which requires about 8.1 trillion naira to finance upstream, mid-stream and downstream of the value chain. The Government, the GENCOs, the DISCOs and the Private sector need to make concerted efforts towards growing and developing the power infrastructure in the country. The government should also create a secure and enabling environment, free from corruption and undue interference, for the power sector to thrive and contribute positively towards improving the welfare of power consumers in the country. Millwater is coming up with innovations in bridging the infrastructure gap and improving power sustainability and distribution. The programme leverages existing infrastructure, enhanced to address delivery and reliability bottlenecks, and to ensure adequate and appropriate delivery (as well as collection and investment recovery).

Energy Audit Services
An energy audit is a building assessment and study of energy flows for energy conservation. It may involve a procedure or system for reducing the quantity of energy input into the system while maintaining the system’s output.
The Main Goals Of Energy Audit is;
- To understand how energy is utilized within the system and identify where it is wasted.
- Improve overall energy performance by identifying alternative measures to reduce energy losses.
- Performing a cost-benefit analysis to highlight which energy efficiency measures are best to implement.
Types of Energy Audit
Preliminary Energy Audit
Preliminary energy audit uses existing or easily obtained data to;
- Find out the energy consumption area in the organization
- Estimates the scope for saving
- Identify the most likely areas for attention
- Set a ‘reference point’
- Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement
Target Energy Audit
Targeted energy audits are mostly based upon the outcome of the preliminary audit results.
- They provide data and detailed analysis on specified target projects.
- As an example, an organization may target its lighting system or boiler system or compressed air system with a view to bring about energy savings.
- Targeted audits therefore involve detailed surveys of the target subjects/areas with analysis of the energy flows and costs associated with those targets.
Detailed Energy Audit
Detailed Energy Audit evaluates all systems and equipment that consume energy and the audit comprises a detailed study on energy savings and costs.
Detailed Energy Audit is carried out in 3 phases;
- The Pre-Audit Phase
- The Audit Phase
- The Post-Audit Phase